COVID-19 Response FAQ page

We want to acknowledge that we are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is obviously something that most of us would never dream could ever happen to us. Yet, as you have been planning to build your dream home or remodel your kitchen, office or place of business that you never anticipated it impacting the process and nor could we. However, we want you to know that we believe that the pandemic will ultimately pass and we are here to help carry out that dream of moving forward with your plans when you are ready.

The safety of our team and for those visiting our facility is of the upmost importance to us and we have taken steps to do just that. Below we have a list of frequently asked questions during this time and if you still have questions you can feel free to call us.

Is Creative Concepts of N.J open?

Yes, we are open and maintaining our normal operational hours of business. During these times, we ask that you make an appointment with us versus just stopping by. To make an appointment please contact us By doing this, we can minimize the risk for everyone by being safe though the implementation of the following safety protocols:

Please help prevent the spread of illness by keeping yourself and others SAFE & Healthy.

  • Hand Washing is one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of germs. Therefore, please wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water while scrubbing your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
  • Gloves are not required in our building.
  • Hand sanitizer is available for you at our place of business should you need it.
  • For now, lets just say “hello” when we meet. We’ll go back to shaking hands when it’s ok to do so.
  • We ask that you abide by the 6 foot separation between individuals via social distancing regulations set forth by the CDC and the state government.
  • Before entering our building, please wear a mask that is most comfortable to you
  • Please consider your own health and the health of others by making absolutely sure that you are well enough to travel and visit us before arrival at our location.

What is CCNJ doing about current orders that are produced and scheduled for Delivery? 

Our policy has always been that, any custom cabinetry that we produce are to be cleaned very thoroughly before delivery. We have added an additional step to the process whereby our work receives disinfection immediately prior to being loaded onto our truck.

What are our health requirements before you enter our building?

Here is a group of questions we are asking you to ask yourself before visiting us.

  • Within 2 hours of your visit or appointment, have you had a temperature of 100.4 or higher?
  • Has your temperature been 100.4 or higher at any time during the 72 hour period prior to your visit?
  • At any time during the 72 hour period prior to your visit or appointment have you suffered from; a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
  • Do you have any reason to believe you had direct contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is under medical watch for COVID-19?
  • Have you taken any medicine to reduce fever or mange COVID-19 symptoms during the 72 hour period prior to your visit or appointment?

What precautionary measures has CCNJ taken?

  • We ask all visitors to be conscientious about their own health and that of others by considering the questions we ask above before your visit.
  • We are avoiding any handshakes and are opting simply to say hello upon greetings.
  • We wipe down any areas used by our team or customers.
  • Hand sanitizer is available for use during your visit should you request it.

Will Creative Concepts of N.J. still install cabinetry during these times?

Yes, we are still committed to installing the products that customers need. We are working with contractors & homeowners to ensure a safe environment in which to work and are considering installations on a per job basis. Your location is also important to us. Should you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

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