Tag: high-end custom cabinets

  • Part III – Why Buy Custom Cabinets

    Continuing with Part III of: “Why Buy Custom Cabinets??” (for those of you who haven’t read it from the beginning, here’s a link to part I, Why Buy Custom Cabinets (Part I) ). So it’s really sunny and warm out today and I hope that whoever is reading this is having a marvelous day (even…

  • Part IV Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!

    Part IV Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!

    Onward with part IV of my Blog post, “Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!” Thank you all for the likes and positive feedback we’ve received on this Blog. I do appreciate the shares too! So please if you would, keep sharing and telling your friends!  🙂 Here’s a link to…

  • PART II – Why Buy Custom Made Cabinets ???

    PART II – Why Buy Custom Made Cabinets ???

    In continuation of my last post, Part I of: “Why Buy Custom made Cabinets??” (for those of you who haven’t read it yet, here’s a link to it, http://creativeconceptsnj.com/why-buy-custom-cabinets/ ).. If you’re reading this, I suppose you’re interested and already pondering that same question. Perhaps you’re just curious or perhaps you’re considering a choice in cabinetry in…

  • Part II: Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!

    Hello Again, In continuation of my Blog from last week, Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!, there is more to be said about this relatively unknown fact. It’s rather obvious to me that most people believe a skilled cabinet maker is the same thing as a skilled carpenter and visa versa.…

  • Why a cabinet maker is not a carpenter and visa versa!

    Back in the day my father would scream and howl every time he was called a “carpenter”. I never quite understood why until it started happening to me on the very many job sites that I’ve been on. During odd and very random moments, people from various walks of life would walk up to me…

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